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Jakub Knap

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Artist Statement

This work is about me, a Polish Travelling photographer on a journey to respark my passion, by travelling to destinations using my archival images of when I was younger as a way to go back down to my roots. The loss of my spark was caused by many factors such as personal issues and being stuck in the UK in the past 4 years. The goal for my work is to remember and come back to who I once was. Where I’m from is more natural and rural than the UK. There are areas where it reminds me of home and most of them are beautiful scenes or viewpoints.

Part 1 of my work is riding my bike to one of my archival destinations in Henrhyd Falls, Wales, from 14 years ago. Travelling to this destination was to get me back on my feet and pick up my camera again. That is when I found out there is a part of me missing and not knowing what it is.

Part 2 is about finding the missing piece which was my culture and going back to Poland.

In part 3 I built a Large Format camera, used it in Poland and recaptured scenes from my memories.
You may see me facing a view or a beautiful scene, but you don’t know what I am actually looking at. This is why I built the camera. I am placing you in my shoes to show you what I am actually looking at.

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